87 Station Road Foster, Victoria, 3960 sghosp@sghs.com.au

Continence Nurse – Regional

Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine from the bladder or contents from the bowel, which may have a major impact on your quality of life. Most incontinence problems can be treated, improved or managed.

What we do

The Regional Continence Nurse Advisor is an experienced Registered Nurse or Nurse Practitioner who deals with bladder and bowel incontinence. The service is provided by nurses from Gippsland Southern Health Service (GSHS) who work with clients to plan their treatment and care.

Services provided include:

  • Information and guidance;
  • Comprehensive continence and urology assessment;
  • Management and advice (e.g. access to funding and equipment);
  • Practical support; and
  • Education to the incontinent person, caregivers, health professionals and the community.

How you access

Anyone wishing to access this service can be:

  • Self-referred by contacting Gippsland Southern Health Service on 5654 2737 or by emailing gateway@gshs.com.au
  • Referred by a GP
  • Referred through My Aged Care if over 65
  • Referred via the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The service can be provided the SGH Community Health Centre or, in some cases, in the client’s home.

Who can use our service?

The service is available to individuals anyone aged over 5 with bladder or bowel issues.

Are there any fees?

While this service is subsidised by the Commonwealth government, there is an associated contribution fee that is assessed based on income, on the receipt of your referral.

Who do I contact?

For further information contact Gippsland Southern Health Service on 03 6564 2737, Monday to Friday.

What to bring

If self-referring, please bring a copy of your GP medical summary, or a list of your medications and past medical/ surgical history.