What we do
The District Nursing Service is a team of Registered and Enrolled Nurses who provide home or centre based nursing care for clients with acute or chronic health care needs such as:
- Medication management
- Wound care
- Monitoring of vital signs
- Continence care, stomal and catheter management
- Palliative care
- General health monitoring
- Diabetes management
- Chronic disease symptom monitoring and self-management support
The service operates Monday to Saturday and public holidays between 8am and 4.30pm and between 8am and 12md on Sundays.
How you access
Referral from GP, other health professional, family or self are welcome. Referrals can be made via:
- My Aged Care: Make a Referral | My Aged Care or 1800 200 422.
- Email: district.nurse@sghs.com.au
- Phone: 03 5683 9779
- S2S eReferral Vic
Once your referral is received one of our nurse managers will phone you to assess your needs and arrange your individual nursing requirements.
Who can use our service?
To access South Gippsland Hospital District Nursing, clients need to reside in the eastern area of the South Gippsland Shire, typically east of (and including) Walkerville, Buffalo and Stony Creek and south of Dumbalk, Dollar, Turtons Creek and Gunyah.
District Nursing services are provided to clients on a priority of needs basis.
There are a variety of Government funding options that you may be able to access to receive our services. This will be discussed during your first contact with the service.
Are there any fees?
A client co-contribution amount is charged according to your ability to pay, with only a small fee charged for pensioners and health care card holders. An additional fee for wound care dressings may also be charged.
Who do I contact?
For enquiries contact SGH District Nursing on 5683 9779 or email district.nurse@sghs.com.au
What to bring
SGH’s team of nurses will discuss and assist you to obtain any supplies or recent health related documents required for your care.